#IBC2024 Owner Interview: IET Media Technical Network

Welcome to the IET Media YouTube Channel

IET Media, IBC2019 Panels - 'The End of Broadcast?' - Broadcast to IP Impacts

IET Media - IBC 2019 Panels - Where can SMPTE 2110 and NDI co-exist?'

IET Media - IBC 2019 Panels - Platform Wars – the De-Aggregation and Re-Aggregation of Content

IET/RTS What Caught Our 'AI'


The IET and Media - Introduction to IBC 2019 Panels

BOMBAZO Hande ABANDONÓ a Kerem en plena CRISIS El DRAMA turco que NADIE vio venir

Scaling TV - The IET John Logie Baird Lectures at IBC 2023

The IET JLB Lecture 2021 : 150 Years of Media: Retrospectives & Forecasts around Media Technology

The IET presents – The 150 Show

The IET presents - The 150 Show: The Digital Edition

IET Media Wing | IET Udaipur | MLSU | Udaipur

What's next for Audio Codecs? The IET John Logie Baird Lectures at IBC

The IET JLB Lecture 2019: Who's Watching Who - The broadcaster and advertising platform view

RTS Summer Tour with

IET Young Professionals News – New Young Professionals Website

IET Workshop on Product Innovation_Daggers Media

The IET JLB Lecture 2019: Who's Watching Who - The Regulator View

The IET JLB Lecture 2019: Who's Watching Who - The practician view

Engineering a better future: IET Ghana's manifesto team takes on national policy. #JoyNews

IET Club Leaders | IET Udaipur | MLSU | Udaipur

The IET JLB Lecture 2019: Who's Watching Who - Q&A